Thursday, April 8, 2010


I know that being 35 years old isn't old at all, but after all the knowledge I've gained in medicine thus far, I feel more inclined to participate in exercise, diet and lifestyle regimens that "Nourish the Yin." That basically means - being healthy from the inside, which will then express itself on the outside. And by "inside," I mean my internal organs, blood, fluids and Qi flow within my energetic channels.

It goes a lot deeper than that (as I wish to one day study Medical Qigong with a master that I've found), but that's it in a nutshell.

So to clarify... when I said that this is my "100 Day" journey, it's more of a kick-off for the rest of my life, not just for 100 days. And it's not taxing, nor does it take too much effort. It just takes a relationship change between yourself and food, drink, air and life. And I believe that 100 days is a good amount of time to re-establish a new relationship with them.

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